Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eyes and Ears Open

Alright, this is my first blog....ever. I'm assuming I should introduce myself. I'm 30 years old and live in Southern VA. I'm approaching my final semesters at Liberty University. Yes...I am a Christ follower....a new one at that. I've  always known about Christ, but never fully understood His power until I felt it for myself. Knowing Christ is the most unbelieveable feeling and one that cannot be explained to the unbeliever.

Every day I encounter refining experiences. My patience is tested, along with having my self-centeredness checked (we all have a little bit of that selfishness in us :) ). I receive countless opportunites to help others...although I miss most of them because my eyes and ears arent open. Developing a compassionate heart with sincerety and love is my goal in Christ. My goal in the flesh, is to open my eyes....open my ears...to see opportunities to live out that love and compassion. I'm not here to judge non-believers...but rather to accept and love everyone....as Christ loves me. 

"But God shows and clearly proves His love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"    Romans 5:8

In Christ,

Amber B.

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